Next week, we'll glaze the four bowls you've made that have been bisque fired. Please also have 2 mugs ready to bisque fire.
Resources for week 3:
Simon leach throws mugs:
SIMON LEACH - handling of the mugs
Video of Simon Leach pulling handles for mugs; Simon pull handles while they're on the pot rather than separately, but the principle's the same.
Softening and reclaiming clay
Clay as it comes from the factory is usually too stiff to center easily. It’s often a good idea to soften your clay before use.
The best way to soften clay is by making a sandwich: alternate layers of new clay with very thin layers of slurry from the reclaim bucket (the best slurry for this is at the very bottom of the bucket).
Make the clay+slurry sandwich, bag it, let it age for at least 24 hours, then wedge it. The clay should be just dry enough that it doesn't stick to your hands after it's been thoroughly wedged.
Incidentally, you may reclaim as much clay as you like for free from the slurry bucket. Just set some slurry out on a plaster bat and let it dry to workable consistency. Clay on a plaster bat dries very quickly, so wrap the whole thing (clay and bat) in plastic before you leave the studio for the day.