For your 2-hour practice this week, throw 8 of whatever shape you're working on. Keep the best 2 for glazing & firing.
If you're working on bud vases, you'll need 1/2-pound of clay for each vase, so wedge & knead a 4 pound piece of clay, then cut it into 8 equal pieces.
SIMON LEACH - throwing a small bud vase
Next week (our last class), we'll take a quick look at teapots. This will be your last chance to get hands-on assistance from me, so please think hard about what you'd like to get help with.
Next Friday (August 6, 2010) is the last day of the semester; the ACC studios will be closed for the following 2 weeks (August 7-15), so please have your wet work done by then. According to Mary Ann, you can come in after the studios reopen on Monday, August 16 to glaze or pick up finished work.
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