
Monday, October 27, 2008

Beginning wheelthrowing week 7 working drawing & notes

No video this week- Simon Leach hasn't posted a lid like ours yet... maybe next semester.

Working drawing and notes for sugar bowl (Adobe PDF)
This week's notes are a bit complicated- sorry about that. Here are the main points about making lids:

  • Make the lid a bit smaller than the gallery or lid seat on the pot;
  • Dry the lid and the pot together;
  • Be careful not to put any glaze anywhere near where the lid and pot touch.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Week 6 resources

SIMON LEACH - Jarras pequeñas(sm pitchers)
Simon Leach throws a pitcher very similar to ours- in Spanish! ¡Hasta la proxima video clip!

Cream pitcher working drawing & demo notes
Adobe PDF file; print it & bring it with you to the studio

Friday, October 10, 2008

Beginning throwing Week 5 resources

SIMON LEACH - throwing a plate
Simon Leach throws a plate. Bowly!

Actual-size working drawing with measurements and demo notes for a small plate

That's it this week!


Friday, October 3, 2008

Places to buy and sell pottery online

Here are two places online where you can see what other people are making and how much they're charging for it:

Etsy is a website where hobbyists and professionals alike can offer work for sale online. There's very wide range of quality, styles and prices for pots here. Also some jewelry and non-functional items.

Akar features higher-end work by well-respected ceramic artists and potters.

Resources for week 4

SIMON LEACH - throwing a small bud vase
Our friend, Simon Leach, throwing a bud vase very similar to our own. Have a go!

demo notes bud vase.pdf
Step-by-step instructions for making the bud vase

Bud vase working drawing.pdf
Actual-size drawing of the bud vase, with dimensions

demo notes glazing.pdf
Step-by-step instructions for waxing and applying glaze to a bisque pot

Friday, September 26, 2008

Pottery books and periodicals

I moonlight as a librarian, so I'd be remiss if I didn't post something about my favorite pottery books and magazines. Most of these items are available at the Architecture and Fine Arts Library on the UF campus.

Pottery form
by Dainel Rhodes
Rather poetic book on making pots. This is one of the first books I picked up when I started to make pots on the wheel, and I found it very inspiring as a beginner- still holds up, even 15 years later.

Thrown pottery techniques revealed : the secrets of perfect throwing shown in unique cutaway photography by Mary Chappelhow
Very well illustrated book how-to book. Very thorough treatment of technique; Ms. Chappelhow gives something like 6 different ways to center the clay. Photos show cut-away shots of hand positions while throwing.

Studio potter
This is the academic journal of studio pottery. Each issue is dedicated to a particular issue of concern to studio potters. Published quarterly.

Ceramics monthly
Glossy monthly magazine for anyone interested in pottery, and ceramic art. Lots of ads, but they're sometimes the best part.

Resources for week 3

SIMON LEACH - handling of the mugs
Video of Simon Leach pulling handles for mugs

demo notes mugs & handles.pdf
Step-by-step instructions for throwing mugs and pulling handles

Mug, 12 oz.pdf
Working drawing for 1-pound mugs that will hold 12 oz. of coffee

Friday, September 19, 2008

Week 2 resources

SIMON LEACH - how to quickly finish & fettle mugs (YouTube)
This is how English potter Simon Leach finishes mugs. Pay special attention to how he "thumbs off" the bottoms of his mugs (starting at 3 minutes and 30 seconds); we'll be doing the same thing to the bottom of our bowls.

SIMON LEACH - back to basics - GP bowls !
Simon Leach makes bowls very similar to ours. Note his technique for lifting the bowl off the wheel with his fingers. 450 grams is about 1 pound, and 15 centimeters is about 6 inches, by the way.

Bowlworkingdrawing .pdf
Working drawing of this week's bowl, with dimensions and clay weight (Adobe PDF document)

demo notes bowl.20080918.pdf
Step-by step notes for making the bowl for week 2 (Adobe PDF document)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Just a cylinder..?

Here's an example of what can be done with our week one project, the basic cylinder:

Tumbler by Massachusetts potter Sam Taylor

Here, Mr. Taylor has added a subtle curve to the profile, altered the shape a little off round.

Mr. Taylor has fired the piece in a kiln that uses wood for fuel, and has introduced salt into the kiln when the fire was at its hottest (about 2300 degrees Fahrenheit). The salt has left a very durable coating of sodium silicate on the surface of the clay, and has formed an 'orange peel' texture characteristic of salt glazing.

Week one resources:

Hi folks,

If you're having a bit of difficulty throwing a cylinder this week, you might find one or more of these resources helpful:

A closer look at kneading
Video of English potter Simon Leach on how to knead your clay using the spiral method

Wot kneading again!

Video of English potter Simon Leach kneading from a different angle.

Tips on centering
Video of English potter Simon Leach on how to center your clay

cross section of cylinder
Video of Simon Leach throwing a cylinder

Basic one-pound cylinder working drawing.pdf
This is an actual-size drawing of the cross-section of the completed cylinder for week one, with dimensions (Adobe PDF).

demo notes cylinder.20080912.pdf
Step-by-step notes on how to throw a cylinder (Adobe PDF).

demo notes wedging.20080912.pdf
Step-by-step notes on how to wedge and knead your clay (Adobe PDF).
