
Friday, September 26, 2008

Pottery books and periodicals

I moonlight as a librarian, so I'd be remiss if I didn't post something about my favorite pottery books and magazines. Most of these items are available at the Architecture and Fine Arts Library on the UF campus.

Pottery form
by Dainel Rhodes
Rather poetic book on making pots. This is one of the first books I picked up when I started to make pots on the wheel, and I found it very inspiring as a beginner- still holds up, even 15 years later.

Thrown pottery techniques revealed : the secrets of perfect throwing shown in unique cutaway photography by Mary Chappelhow
Very well illustrated book how-to book. Very thorough treatment of technique; Ms. Chappelhow gives something like 6 different ways to center the clay. Photos show cut-away shots of hand positions while throwing.

Studio potter
This is the academic journal of studio pottery. Each issue is dedicated to a particular issue of concern to studio potters. Published quarterly.

Ceramics monthly
Glossy monthly magazine for anyone interested in pottery, and ceramic art. Lots of ads, but they're sometimes the best part.

Resources for week 3

SIMON LEACH - handling of the mugs
Video of Simon Leach pulling handles for mugs

demo notes mugs & handles.pdf
Step-by-step instructions for throwing mugs and pulling handles

Mug, 12 oz.pdf
Working drawing for 1-pound mugs that will hold 12 oz. of coffee